The tool for those who want the most out of life.

Maximize this short lifetime.
Set priorities, change behavior, stay accountable.

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Built on best practices in behavioral psychology.

Prioritize what’s most important in life.

Achieve your goals with proven tactics.

Track your progress towards milestones.

Stay accountable with your close circle.

What People Say About Us

"Before Traction, I was lacking accountability, structure, and someone to coach me."

Kyle Killit
Designer at Tiempo Labs

“With Traction I've made more progress in the last month than the last three combined.”

Sergie Kalashnikov
CEO at BentoBox

“I joined Traction because I recognized my God-given potential, but lacked the tools and accountability to get there." 

Bryant Chou
CTO at Slapper Labs

The "New Rich"

Lifestyle design gives you more access to the ultimate currency: time

"You’re spending time to save money when you should be spending money to save time." - Naval
“The rich invest in time, the poor invest in money.” - Warren Buffett
"Busyness is artificial significance. It gives you the illusion of importance." - Bill Johnson

Take back your time.

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